I Acquire A Passenger

Sunday, 01 September 2013 15:30
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6'4" of road trip fun I have acquired a very tall guide for my trip through Colorado.

Just a quick update: As of yesterday, Chris Wessels, a good friend, former employee, and Colorado native, has joined me for the trip from Salt Lake City to Denver, and will be showing me the sights of his home state for the next three days. 

I picked him up curbside at the Salt Lake City airport yesterday, and with some judicious folding and packing, we managed to get all 79" (2.0m for our international readers) of Chris into the passenger seat, along with luggage. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Chris Wessels Proof that he fits in the car, even with the top up

I will update the blog after I get out of Denver (as well as catch up with the Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City post, which actually happened before this), and you can see how we make out. 


#1 Mom 2013-09-02 10:01
He looks a bit uncomfortable.. .stop a lot to stretch those legs !!!!
#2 SJMike 2013-09-02 15:32
Had three people in mine one night and one was 6'3 of course we only went about five miles.
#3 lectacave 2013-09-03 14:28
That first picture is hilarious! The last one reminds me of a kinder egg. PS: I'm totally jealous. ;)
#4 danabart 2013-09-04 13:29
Tale of the tape correction- Sizzles measures in at 6'-7", 79". "Don't sell yourself short Judge, you're a tremendous slouch". 'Ty Webb', Caddyshack
#5 admin 2013-09-04 14:53
Tale of the tape correction- Sizzles measures in at 6'-7", 79".
Fixed. :-)
#6 Sizzles 2013-09-04 20:06
I can't believe you picked up a hitchhiker. Especially one that looks like that; he appears particularly untrustworthy.

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